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Livin' the Dream!
Last night something pretty awesome happened, well actually a lot of awesome things did. Firstly we SOLD OUT and then even after we announced we sold out on our channels, more wrestling fans turned up. It was literally standing room only but they wanted to be part of the action - how could we say no?! Secondly the crowd! Wow! The energy, the cheers, the “you suck” chants everything. It was something we will never forget. Thirdly the matches! More, much more to come on these over the coming days. All of our wrestlers, our ref, our amazing General Manager...
Unified: verb (used with or without object),u·ni·fied, u·ni·fy· make or become a single unit; unite: to unify conflicting theories; to unify a country. Yesterday was an exciting day for the management team as we announced a huge Change!Ultimate Championship Wrestling (UCW) will now be know asUNIFIEDTo us, this name means bringing together all the amazing talent from around Canterbury and the rest of New Zealand. It means keeping wrestling alive! It means growing new talent and giving them an opportunity to live their dreams!Ultimate Championship wrestling (UCW), past promoters, bookers, wrestlers and all the people behind the scenes have done...